4th International Virtual Conference on Social Sciences, Education and Innovation 2025

23rd - 24th February 2025


Organizer Info:

Global Academic Excellence (GAE) is one of the organization that provides services for conferences, journal publication, workshops and training. GAE established in order to assist researchers, scholars and authors to present and publish their original and extended research in conferences and our referred journal which can help them to fulfil works and studies requirement, besides give opportunity to them to improve their research through comment and idea given by reviewer of journal and others in conference participant.

The platforms provided by GAE also can help interested people to obtain knowledge and experience. Workshop and training provided by GAE like Digital Academic Workshop (tools & strategy) can assist lecturers, researcher, authors and scholars to improve visibility in cyber world.

Organizer Website:


Social Media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GAExcellence

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@globalacademicexcellencems8175

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@global.academic.e

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_GAExcellence/

Twitter: https://x.com/gaesbofficial